Mission Statement for the Nevada Midwives Association

Nevada Midwives Association (NMA) asserts that midwives cover a wide scope in knowledge, training, experience, and extent of practice. NMA also asserts that each midwife should practice according to her own ability and conscience, so long as honesty and integrity with her clients prevail. Members of NMA agree to work toward the common purpose and goal of the organization, which is to keep the Midwives Model of Care available to the women of Nevada, through self governance.

In the photo are, left to right:

Denise Hale, Alice Skenandore, Lydi Owen, Margie Dacko and Kaye Bullock.

In the spring of 1984 the midwives in Southern Nevada were concerned with possible legislation that would make midwifery and homebirth in Nevada illegal.  When it seemed that neither the legislators nor the State Health Department were prepared to pass a bill regulating midwifery, the midwives decided that they needed to step up, act responsibly, and work together to make midwifery and homebirth in Nevada a viable option for women.


NMA was organized and started to meet on a regular basis in order to keep midwifery available to the women of Nevada.